Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's Your Type?

Recently I've noticed that many women are curious about 'their type' as it pertains to their body shape. Sorry but, Why? No, I'm serious. What does it matter what type you are according to someone elses' categorization? Do you see clothes in the store tagged like Garanimalsso you can pick your apple bottom pant to go with your muffin top, or pear shape pieces that fit together in some symphony of fashion? So if we have no means in which to use these labels, then why are we so curious as to what ours is?

Remember that I told you not to let the tag define you, well don't let some other persons ubiquitous label do it either. Body typing doesn't do anyone any good except those that want to sell you something, e.g. a book or magazine cover. Yes, there are generalizations of common physical shapes, but that's because we aren't amebas and our bodies are governed by certain physical laws. (Of course, mine has broken a few in its day, lol). But that being said, it is a given that the sheer number of our species lends itself to characteristics in our form repeating. But the difference that I would like us all to take note of is the fact that any given combination of these similar forms is nearly endless. Hence, your athletic figure on her ganglion legs combined with my apple bottom don't fit into these '12 fixed patterns.' You are uniquely You!

So how does that affect your shopping? Well...worry less about what your label may be to someone else and concentrate more on how to address your own unique traits. Are you fit? Are your clothes? Well, there's something we can work on. Do you have a defined backside, but an under-defined top? How about thick limbs but a skinny core? See, each variance needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis and you need to just work on what works for You, not what a magazine quiz says you may or may not be. Besides, how does that arbitrary information help? IT DOESN'T!

Do you have trouble areas? Do you want help problem solving? Then ask. For several of us, a tailor will be the best investment. For others, merely changing some poor retail programming can do the trick. While others may still need to see themselves as they really are and start fresh. The bottom line is to disregard the hype and start to learn yourself. We'll do it together.

So your homework for step three is to sit down, privately, and list your wardrobe issues. Do you have to buy a larger top to accommodate a fuller bust, but all your tops are too big in the shoulder and waist as a result? Do you have to shop in the children's department and are defined by their fashion guidelines and want more? Are thing too long/short? Are you having trouble finding things to fit overall? List it ALL! Now, list what You think are some of the reasons why. From happenstance of birth to many nights with Häagen-Dazs, just list it.

As we go along, you are to refer to this list and conquer it! Yes conquer. Because this list represents challenges. Some of your making and others not, but either way you are going to learn how to address every item on Your list and successfully make it a memory.

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